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Currently In The Hearth and Home Gallery

The Hearth and Home Gallery explains local life at the Jersey Shore by telling the story of the Woolley family and, through them, illustrates how area life has changed from the 18th century to today.​

The Permanent Exhibits in the
Hearth and Home Gallery

The Hearth and Home Gallery is located in the section of the Museum that was the original portion of the Woolley House. The room that is the Gallery today, was built in the 1700's and the beams, fireplace and decorative woodwork are all original to the space. As the house expanded through the years, additional doorways replaced windows, and the use of the space changed, first to just a kitchen, then to a “sitting room.”

This exhibit invites a fascinating look at life in Coastal New Jersey from the 1700's to the 1900's. The Gallery is filled with pieces of how life used to be, from coal and wood stoves, kitchen implements and other items of every day life on the farm.

The Old Oakhurst School 

For the first twenty-five years of its existence, the Museum was located in one of the old classrooms in the 1900 Oakhurst School on Monmouth Road, in Oakhurst. As a tribute to the Oakhurst School, we include its story in our Museum.

The First Oakhurst School, which now is a private home on Monmouth Road, was built in 1818, on the site where the Board of Education headquarters is today. That was moved around 1900, to make way for the construction of the larger school that is there today.

As a tribute, we have many items from the old school, including desks, photos and original items used in schools one hundred years ago.